International House

Konferencja Metodyczna Styczeń 2015

Centrum Egzaminacyjne Cambridge English PL034 Szkoła Języka Angielskiego International House Bydgoszcz, wspólnie z Cambridge English Language Assessment i Cambridge University Press, zaprosili nauczycieli języka angielskiego ze szkół prywatnych i państwowych z Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego na konferencję metodyczną dotyczącą Egzaminów Cambridge English:



Konferencja odbyła się 31 stycznia 2015 (sobota), w siedzibie International House w Bydgoszczy. Była poświęcona głównie zmianom obowiązującym od 2015 roku w Egzaminach Cambridge English: First (FCE) i Advanced (CAE).

Dziękujemy Cambridge English Language Assessment i Cambridge University Press za pomoc w organizacji spotkania, a osobom prowadzącym i wszystkim uczestnikom za udział. Galeria zdjęć poniżej. Plan konferencji w formacie pdf

Do zobaczenia w lutym 2016! 



Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press are pleased to invite you to their yearly Conference for State Schools & Private Licensed Schools at International House Bydgoszcz. The conference aims to provide with information about Cambridge English: First and Advanced. This workshop will offer strategies for selecting target vocabulary for a B2 or C1 course, possible testing formats and ways of integrating vocabulary into writing practice. During the second part of this event, we will present the ways in which you can design your tasks and carry out effective feedback so that your students` skills, as independent learners, develop.





09:00 to 09:30    Registration

09:30 to 09:45    Opening

09:45 to 10:00    Cambridge English Scale & changes in Cambridge English: First and Cambridge English: Advanced. Mariusz Prot, Cambridge English Language Assessment

10:00 to 11:00    What's new at First and Advanced? Essays and English Profile: Keep Calm and Write On. Speaker: Vaughan Elliott, Cambridge English Language Assessment

11:00 to 11:15    Cambridge University Press: What's new? Rafał Maliszewski, Cambridge University Press

11:15 to 11:45    Coffee break with book stand for teaching materials from Cambridge University Press

11:45 to 13:15    Make your learners [more] confident and [even more] motivated. Speaker: Aldona Serewa, Cambridge University Press

13:15         Closing


Make your learners [more] confident and [even more] motivated

In this session we will present the ways in which you can design your tasks and carry out effective feedback so that your students` skills as independent learners develop and they can take the exams being more confident and aware of their strengths. We will show how Language Oriented Assessment is incorporated into our new course books and you will be able to see how our ready-to-use tools and resources can make your work easier.

Aldona Serewa

Aldona is a teacher of English, teacher trainer and methodologist. Aldona cooperated with Warsaw Study Centre and Lang LTC as a DOS and Academic Manager in the corporate training departments, where she successfully implemented her own tailor-made and specialist language programmes, monitored the quality of teaching and contributed to the teachers` development programmes.
Aldona has prepared and conducted numerous teacher training workshops and presentations and  developed recruitment and assessment tools for teaching staff. Since 2008 she has been a PASE trainer involved in several educational projects, such as Kapelusze Lektora, Akademia Metodyka and workshops for public schools.
Most recently Aldona has been an author of a series of articles for “Personel i zarządzanie” on language learning and personal development.
She holds an MA in teaching English as a foreign language.



What's new at First and Advanced? Essays and English Profile: Keep Calm and Write On

Are you already preparing or thinking of preparing candidates for Cambridge English exams? Then you should find out about the key changes to the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) and Advanced (CAE) exams starting in 2015. We will be looking at those changes as well as the unique use of the English Vocabulary Profile, an online tool that offers reliable information about which words (and importantly, which meanings of those words), phrases and idioms are known and used by learners at each level of the Common European Framework (CEFR). In both Cambridge English: First and Advanced, learners who are aiming high are expected to use a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a variety of topics. This workshop will offer strategies for selecting target vocabulary for a B2 or C1 course, possible testing formats and ways of integrating vocabulary into writing practice.

Vaughan Elliott

Vaughan is currently Professional Support Leader for Poland and the Baltic States for Cambridge English Language Assessment. He is responsible for the coordinating and monitoring of speaking examiner training for all Cambridge exams. He is a regular speaker at conferences on teaching practice and exams.
In addition Vaughan has been running his own chain of language schools in and around the Gdansk area for the past 16 years. He still teaches and prepares students for First and Advanced every year.
Previousy he worked for Bell Schools in Poland for 7 years as a teacher and director of studies where he completed his DELTA. He has also worked for Bell in England as a course director and director of studies for Bell Young Learners. He has also taught in Turkey and Slovakia.





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International House World Organisation

International House to największa na świecie i jedna z najbardziej uznanych organizacji zajmujących się nauczaniem języków obcych. W chwili obecnej w jej skład wchodzi 160 szkół w 55 krajach świata. Od 1953 roku uczymy własną metodą, która kiedyś innowacyjna i właściwie jedyna, dziś jest sprawdzoną podstawą każdego rzetelnego kursu języka angielskiego na świecie. Łączy w sobie logikę i konsekwencję z pasją i spontanicznością. Pracowało nad nią wielu nauczycieli, lingwistów i metodyków. Przyświecał im jeden cel: znalezienie skutecznej metody nauczania i uczenia się języka angielskiego. Metoda IH, spopularyzowana przez brytyjskie Królewskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, a następnie przez kursy metodyczne Cambridge RSA/CELTA, z czasem stworzyła podstawą szkoleń metodycznych nauczycieli na całym Świecie. Pierwsze z nich przeprowadzono właśnie w IH w 1962 roku. Nadal kształcimy tysiące nauczycieli, którzy są cenionymi w świecie profesjonalistami.


IH Bydgoszcz, ul. Piotrowskiego 6, T: 52 322 35 15,

IH Toruń, ul. Legionów 15, T: 56 622 50 81,

Oddział w Inowrocławiu, ul. Farna 9, T: 52 357 16 38,

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